2019年6月12日 星期三

A Pianist with a Purpose 撫慰象心的鋼琴家

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2019/06/11 第407期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Pianist with a Purpose 撫慰象心的鋼琴家
This musician brings Bach and Beethoven to some very big listeners.



   Many people start to love elephants from the time that they first learn the letter “E.” Unfortunately, these gentle giants are an endangered species and have been abused by humans for hundreds of years. Fortunately, Paul Barton, an artist and musician from the UK who has been living in Thailand for several years, is taking matters into his own two hands.
  Over the last seven years, Barton has spent his time performing classical piano for the residents at Elephants World, a sanctuary a few hours’ drive from Bangkok. These elephants spent most of their lives working for humans in the logging and tourism industries, and they are now retired here. Some of them are blind. When Barton performs for them, every animal responds to the music in some way. They might sway to the beat, hold their trunks inside their mouths, or even walk up to the piano and put their trunks on it.
  Elephants have excellent powers of memory, and many of the elephants Barton plays piano for even have a favorite piece of music. Over the years, Barton has developed a special connection with this herd of elephants, and they will certainly never forget him and his beautiful music.














1. unfortunately adv. 不幸的是,令人遺憾地
Unfortunately, the cancer cells have already spread to other parts of the little boy’s body.

2. abuse vt. 虐待;辱罵;濫用
abuse n. 虐待;濫用
Most Asian-American teenagers have the experience of being verbally abused at school.
* verbally adv. 用言辭地;口頭上地
The organization is trying its best to increase public awareness about animal abuse.

3. take matters into sb’s own hands  (某人)親自處理問題/採取行動
When the police failed to catch the thief, the robbery victim took matters into her own hands.

4. perform vt. & vi. 演奏,演出
The singer received lots of requests to perform live.

5. classical a.(音樂)古典的
Claudia thinks that she is a woman with good taste since she only listens to classical music.

6. tourism n. 觀光旅遊業
Many countries depend on tourism for much of their economic growth.

7. retired a. 已退休/役的
Now that my mom is retired, she has a lot of time on her hands.
* have time on sb’s hands  (某人)有充裕的時間;(某人)無事可做

8. sway vi. 搖擺/晃 & vt. 影響(某人)
The branches of the trees swayed in the breeze.
David tried to sway my opinion in favor of the new law.


◆  pianist n. 鋼琴家,鋼琴演奏者
◆  sanctuary
n. 動物保護區;庇護所
◆  trunk
n. 象鼻;(汽車後面的)行李廂


本文中 elephant(大象) 這個主角,很多有趣的俚語牠都身處其中,像是 white elephant,指的就是「累贅;昂貴而無用的東西」。由於大象對於方向這種記憶力是代代相傳的,牠們不會忘記自己的遷徙路線,而意識到接近死亡時也會回到屬於同種象群的墳場,因此出現了 have a memory like an elephant 這個俚語來表示「(某人)記憶力非常好」,而 Elephants never forget. 也是相當類似的表示法。讓我們來看看怎麼用:

Jake bought the boat hoping it would help him relax, but it soon became a white elephant.
Don’t make any loose promises to Doris. She has a memory like an elephant.
= Don’t make any loose promises to Doris. Like an elephant, she never forgets.


   很多人從他們剛開始學到字母 E 時就愛上大象了。不幸的是這些性格溫馴的大型生物是瀕臨滅絕的物種,還被人類凌虐了數百年之久。幸好,一位旅居泰國多年的英國藝術家兼音樂家保羅•巴頓正親手來處理這些問題。



指定書系最低 6 折






預防便祕和大腸癌 吃「玉米」有解?

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