2019年7月22日 星期一


【carol的私房教養】為做童書的總編媽咪Carol從教養可愛孩子的經驗及相處中,分享其最真切的心情與心得! 成功不是偶然,能力才是關鍵!【能力雜誌電子報】是專業經理人暨上班族提升競爭力最佳管道!
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2019/07/22第314期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� 憸梢◢�臬�雿��賢����?
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� 皜����暹����
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� HIW+蝘�摮詨�撟�
How Are Typhoons and Hurricanes Named?

Do the names Dennis, Nina, and Maria sound scary to you? Well, they should! All three are the names of deadly typhoons or hurricanes. But why do these scary storms have such safe-sounding names? The answer can be either complicated or simple, depending on where the storm occurs.
The idea of naming storms after people seems to have originated in the 1890s, when an Australian meteorologist began naming storms after politicians he didn��t like and women. In the 1940s, as meteorologists continued to name storms after their girlfriends or wives, this practice became a system. They thought women��s names were easier to transmit over the radio than names based on a storm��s location.
Around a decade later, the United States�� National Weather Service created a list of female names to use for storms, adding male names to the list later on. Now, America uses a system of six alphabetical lists, each with 21 names. Names starting with q, u, x, y, and z aren��t included because they��re uncommon in English. Every year, a different list is used, with the cycle repeating itself every six years. The lists change only if there��s a particularly bad storm, which is why you won��t be seeing another Hurricane Katrina or Sandy.



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a thing
憭批振�賜�仿��a thing�舀����銝�隞嗡�����銝����梯正��嚗��嗉��a thing�典��隤�銝剖虜���其����嗡�������嚗�銝�韏瑚������改�

a thing -> 銝����梯正嚗�
A: There isn��t a thing to eat in the refrigerator.
B: Sorry, I forgot to do the grocery shopping this morning.

甇�閫�嚗�a thing撣貊�典�典�血��唾膩銝哨��其�撘瑁矽鈭������梯正嚗��貊�嗆�嫵nything嚗�隞颱��梯正��隞颱�鈭���嚗���������

A: I��m so glad that Chris finally asked Debbie out.
B: He did? I didn��t know he had a thing for her.

甇�閫�嚗�a thing�典��隤�銝剖�舐�其�����撠���鈭箸����鈭��拍�∩��梁��敺���甇⊥��閮��准��嚗��剝����閰�have嚗�have a thing銋�敺��卯or銵函內����撣詨��甇﹦�色�艾��嚗����仟gainst銵函內����撣貉��凌�色�艾����靘�憒�嚗�He has a thing against jazz.撠望����隞�銝���甇∠�萄ㄚ璅�����甇文�嚗��刻�勗��梯�銝剜���玖ave a thing about銵函內���孵�亙��甇⊥��閮��凌�色�艾��嚗�撖阡��������敺�銝�銝���靘��斗�瑯��


A: I saw people throwing paper planes on stage during the concert.
B: Is that a thing now?

甇�閫�嚗�a thing�舐�其�銵函內����鈭箸���臬�憭�鈭粹��暻澆����銝�蝔格�銵���憸冽蔭����

甈脣撥隤踴�����唳蔭瘚�嚗��嗥�頞典�U��嚗��望���舐�系he (latest) thing靘�敶W捆嚗�become the thing嚗����箸���啗隅�g���become popular��become trendy�����詨����

2019/7/22 (銝�)

In this way, bullet journaling provides a system that aids productivity and helps people reach their personal and professional goals.

2019/7/23 (鈭�)

Popular symbols are bullet points for to-do items, circles for big events, and dashes for quick thoughts.

2019/7/24 (銝�)

Ryan, an American in Taiwan for work, is looking for an apartment to rent.

2019/7/25 (��)

Ryan has decided to rent Ms. Lee's apartment, so he calls her up to let her know.

2019/7/26 (鈭�)

The answer can be either complicated or simple, depending on where the storm occurs.

�亥�憭批��閫�1撟�12�� + 蝘�摮詨�撟�1撟�12��
�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� + LiveTalk 蝺�銝���鈭箏��隤芣��摰� 暺���30暺�


鈭����交�祈���隤�1撟�12�� + �梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12��
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