2019年7月22日 星期一

Ride Your Bike If You Like 跨上自行車 世界任我馳騁

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2019/07/23 第412期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Ride Your Bike If You Like 跨上自行車 世界任我馳騁
Take a look at the Tour de France.


  Along with the Olympic Games and the World Cup, the Tour de France is one of the world’s greatest sporting events. Every July, riders from across the globe race for team and individual glory. Today, the race begins just across the French border in the mountains of Belgium and ends at the famous Champs-Elysees in Paris. The Tour de France now reaches millions of viewers each year, but what many people might not know is that it was originally designed to sell newspapers.
  In 1903, the sports newspaper L’Auto was doing poorly. One young writer had the bright idea of holding a cycling race through France. A multi-day event would naturally sell more papers. With this in mind, L’Auto planned the first tour which, at 19 days, was the longest cycling event to date. The first tour had under 80 competitors, and fewer than 30 of them finished. Yet it achieved its goal, saving L’Auto. Each year, the tour grew larger.
  While most attention is focused on the individual winner, it’s a team sport, too. Teams protect their leader, and others compete for various prizes, including classifications for speed on flat land or in the mountains, as well as the best time for young riders. Catch this year’s Tour from July 6th to 28th.


1. along with...  與……一起;以及……
Make sure to take all of these pills, along with some cough syrup.

2. individual a. 屬於個人的;個別的
Molly would like to have an individual bathroom to herself instead of having to share.

3. border n. 邊界;邊境地區
There have been several conflicts on the borders of a few Middle Eastern countries in recent years.

4. cycling n. 騎自行車
cycle vi. 騎自行車
Romy hates cycling because it makes her all sweaty.
In order to exercise more, Heather cycles to work every day.

5. to date  至今,到目前為止
This has been the most expensive music video made in the music industry to date.
製作這支 MV 的成本為音樂產業至今最高的。

6. competitor n. 競爭者;選手
compete vi. 競爭;參加比賽
Alvin was confident that he would defeat all the other competitors in the speech contest.
Kristen had to compete with many students in order to get the scholarship.

7. achieve vt. 達到(目標);實現
Nina believes that those who never give up will eventually achieve their goals.

8. classification n. 分級;分類
classify vt. 將……分類/歸類
In India, there is a strict classification of people based upon the family they were born into.
Some classify this music as house while others call it techno.

本文中的單字 multi-day event 中的 multi- 為前綴詞的用法,表「多的,多方面的;種種的」,其後可加形容詞、名詞或動詞,有時候也會省略「-」符號、前後合成一字。如:multilayer(ed)(a. 多層的)、multifunction(al)(a. 多功能的)、multitask(vi. 同時進行多項任務)。來看看如何應用於例句吧!

That company has a multilayered hiring process.
You can use this
multifunction remote control to control the TV and the air-conditioner.
It is very important to have the ability to

  1903 年,當時的法國體育報紙《汽車》銷量極差。一名年輕作家有了舉辦一場環繞法國的自行車賽的好主意。一場為期多天的運動賽事自然而然會賣出更多的報紙。以此為用意出發,《汽車》籌劃了首場為期十九天的巡迴賽,也是截至當時賽時最久的自行車賽。首次的巡迴賽只有不到八十人參賽,而且其中不到三十位選手完成比賽。但這卻達成了拯救《汽車》的目標。而該巡迴賽也年年壯大。

常春藤 31 歲囉 給你不只 3+1

常春藤 31 歲囉∼給你好康不只 3+1
1 任三本以上75
2 滿額800即享好禮!
3 滿額現折,買越多折越多!
眾多好處等你發現 趕快行動吧!


每天花 30 分鐘享受與孩子的親密時光,
沒有 3C 廣告干擾,幫孩子找回學習語言的專注力

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