2023年8月3日 星期四


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2023/08/04 第680期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 開車 1
【英語學習Plus】 Chanel 香奈兒傳奇
【本月發燒書】 說著英語去旅行【二版】(20K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★ 2023年 開學季書展★

開車 1

river's license 駕照
start a car 發動
lane 車道
rental car 出租汽車
rush hour 尖峰時刻
off-peak hour 離峰時刻

★ What a crowd! 好塞哦!
Billy:Well, we're stuck in a traffic jam.
Iris:My God! What a crowd!
Billy:Of course. It's rush hour.

★ How fast are you going? 你現在開多快?
Peter:How fast are you going?
Iris:I'm doing 50 miles an hour.
我現在時速開50 英里。

────── 節錄寂天講堂「開車 1」

Chanel 香奈兒傳奇

In 1909, Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco"Chanel founded the House of Chanel, a Parisian fashion house. Born on August 19, 1883, Chanel was one of the most respected designers of the 20th century, and she made a long-lasting impact on the fashion industry. She transformed high-style fashion by replacing traditional uncomfortable and restrictive clothing with a new casual and elegant style, allowing women to feel comfortable in their clothes as well as retain a high sense of fashion.

Coco Chanel originally made decorated hats that were worn by ashion-conscious French women. In 1913, though, she introduced a ange of comfortable womens sportswear that allowed for freedom f movement, and her tasteful clothing became widely known in rance for its simplicity. Some years later, her legendary perfume, hanel No. 5, was launched, and it has since become one of the most amous fragrances of all time, worn by just about every female egastar of the past 60 years. arilyn Monroe even said that ll she wore to bed was a few rops of Chanel No.5.

Chanel's status as a fashion legend was even more firmly established when she released the "little black dress," a sexy dress made of thin black silk that caused a stir in fashion circles and is imitated to this day.

When World War II began, Chanel retired, closing her dressmaking business so that her company only continued to sell accessories and jewelry. Her relationship with a Nazi officer during the war resulted in her exile to Switzerland and her years of decreasing popularity. In 1954 she came back to France, started selling clothing again, and soon rose to the upper ranks of fashion marketing and design.

Coco Chanel died on January 10, 1971, at the age of 87. During her life, she led a fashion revolution that still inspires many of today's greatest fashion designers. When Germanborn designer Karl Lagerfeld was appointed artistic director for the House of Chanel in 1983, a new, modern, and more adventurous style was introduced, and once again, Chanel was at the head of fashion.

1909年,嘉布麗葉兒.波納.「可可」.香奈兒設立了House of Chanel 這間巴黎時尚小店。香奈兒生於1883年8月19日,她是20世紀最受推崇的設計師,對時尚界產生了深遠的影響。她用嶄新的優雅休閒設計,取代傳統既不舒服又拘束的服裝,重新詮釋了高格調時尚,讓女性在保有時尚品味之餘也能穿得舒適。




可可.香奈兒於1971年1月10日辭世,享年87歲。她一生引領的時尚改革,至今仍啟發了許多頂尖的時尚設計師。德國設計師卡爾.拉格斐在1983年被指派為香奈兒(House of Chanel)的藝術總監,帶來新穎、現代,同時更大膽的設計風格,而香奈兒則再度成為時尚界的龍頭。



化身博士 The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde (25K彩圖經典文學改寫+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

練英單 1:108課綱核心字彙邊背邊練習【Levels 1–2】(加贈寂天雲Mebook單字學習APP)


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