1. Lucky for us, we have a limitless supply of sand, right? 幸運的是,我們有無限供應的沙子,對吧? 理由: a. (A) restless a. 無休止的;不安的 During the days when Rebecca was critically ill, her parents had many restless nights. 在瑞貝卡病危期間,她的雙親度過許多不眠不休的夜晚。 *critically adv. 危急地,嚴重地 (B) domestic a. 家庭的;國內的 Let's all speak out against domestic violence. 讓我們一起大聲反對家庭暴力。 (C) limitless a. 無限制的 There is little doubt that the future of artificial intelligence is limitless. 毫無疑問地,人工智慧的未來發展無可限量。 (D) dramatic a. 戲劇化的 Your screenplay is dramatic and full of intriguing characters. 你的劇本富有戲劇性且充滿了吸引人的角色。 *intriguing a. 有趣的,令人好奇的 b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。 2. Like any resource, we only have so much sand in the world, and we are in real danger of running out, especially on sandy beaches. 就如同任何資源一樣,世界上就只有這麼多的沙子,而且我們正面臨沙子耗盡的真實危機,尤其是沙灘上的。 理由: a. (A) resource n. 資源 We should try to exploit our natural resources without damaging our environment. 我們應該設法開發天然資源而不破壞環境。 *exploit vt. 開發;利用 (B) expense n. 費用,支出 Please report all your travel expenses to the accountant before the end of the month. 請在月底前向會計報告你所有的出差花費。 (C) treatment n. 對待;治療 People from all parts of society deserve equal treatment. 來自社會各界的人士都應獲得平等的對待。 (D) workshop n. 研討會;工作坊 Jack attended the keynote speech first and then went to a workshop. 傑克先參加了主題演講,接著再前往一場研討會。 *keynote n. 主題;主旨 b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。 3. Beach sand is much better than desert sand for industrial uses. 作為工業用途,海灘沙子比沙漠沙子要好得多。 理由: a. 本題測試可用來修飾比較級形容詞或副詞的修飾語,共計有下列六個: far, much, even, still, a lot, a great deal Kevin's idea is much better than mine. 凱文的點子比我的好太多了。 b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。 4. Due to the demand for beach sand, an estimated two-thirds of the world's beaches are receding. 由於對海灘沙粒的需求,估計全世界三分之二的海灘都在消退。 理由: a. (A) harmony n. 和諧,融洽 衍: in harmony 和諧地 The ocean has many life forms living in harmony. 海洋中有許多和諧共存的生物。 (B) drawback n. 缺點,短處 One of the drawbacks of the project is its cost. 這項專案的缺點之一就是其花費。 (C) institution n. 機構 The global economy has been in turmoil since the fall of that major financial institution. 那家重要的金融機構倒閉後,全球經濟便一片混亂。 *turmoil n. 混亂 (D) demand n. 需求,需要 Our factory had to speed up production to meet the growing demand. 我們工廠得加速生產以滿足不斷成長的需求。 b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。 5. Following in their country's tradition of environmental protection, one of their breweries came up with an interesting solution to the problem of running out of sand. 該公司其中一家啤酒廠遵循他們國家的環境保護傳統,為沙子耗盡的問題想出一項有趣的解決方案。 理由: a. (A) do damage to... 對……造成傷害 Overindulging in alcohol will do damage to your liver as well as your brain. 酗酒過度會對你的肝臟以及大腦造成傷害。 *overindulge vi. 過度沉溺(與介詞 in 並用) (B) judge from... 根據……作出判斷 Judging from Tom's reaction, he doesn't like this dish very much. 從湯姆的反應來看,他不是很喜歡這道菜。 (C) come up with... 想出/提出…… The manager has come up with some innovative ways to cut costs. 經理想到了一些可以降低成本的創新辦法。 *innovative a. 創新的 (D) take in... 欣賞…… Jenny went to the edge of the cliff to take in the view of the sea. 珍妮到懸崖邊欣賞大海景致。 b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。 6. The machine will separate fine dust and pieces of other materials like labels. 這臺機器會區分粉塵和其他像是標籤的物質。 理由: a. (A) refund vt. 退還,歸還 I guarantee you will be satisfied with our product, or we will refund all of your money. 我保證你會對我們的產品滿意,否則我們就退給你所有的錢。 (B) separate vt. 區分;使分開 衍: separate A from B 將 A 與 B 分開 When you do the laundry, make sure you separate the darks from the lights. 洗衣服時,一定要把深色和淺色衣服分開洗。 (C) foster vt. 促進,助長;培養 This project will help foster the creation of new jobs. 這項計畫將有助於創造新的就業機會。 (D) donate vt. 捐獻,捐贈 If I were a billionaire, I would donate half my money to charity. 如果我是億萬富翁,我會把一半的錢都捐給慈善機構。 b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。 7. This artificial sand is perfectly safe to work with. 這種人造沙子使用起來十分安全。 理由: a. (A) perfectly adv. 完全地,十足地 I'm perfectly capable of handling this problem by myself. 我完全有能力自己處理這個問題。 (B) eagerly adv. 渴望地,熱切地 The soldiers were hungry and eagerly got in line to receive their rations. 飢餓的士兵們急切地排隊領取他們的伙食。 *rations n. 口糧配給,定量口糧(恆用複數) (C) casually adv. 隨意地,不經意地 Scott, who is always casually dressed, doesn't conform to the stereotype of a Wall Street banker. 史考特衣著一向很隨便,不符合華爾街銀行家的刻板印象。 *stereotype n. 刻板印象 (D) indirectly adv. 間接地 At the meeting, Leo indirectly referred to a project he was working on. 里歐在會議上間接地提到他正在進行的一項計畫。 *refer to... 提及/參考…… b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。 |