2022年7月21日 星期四


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2022/07/22 第627期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 辦理住宿登記
【英語學習Plus】 Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs 碳水化合物的好壞之爭
【本月發燒書】 超核心大考英文寫作:八招打造作文即戰力(16K)
【好康情報局】 ★準備好迎接暑假了嗎★6/15-8/31兒童暑期閱讀展★參展書全面75折


多數飯店只讓人在下午辦理住宿手續,這樣他們才有時間打掃房間。辦理住宿手續時,你必須要提供姓名,也有可能要出示訂房紀錄(booking confirmation)。有些飯店會在你住宿期間保留你的護照,也可能會刷你的信用卡作為押金,以免你破壞客房裡的物品。

★ 【住宿登記(有訂房)】
A:Hello. I would like to check in, please./ Hello, I called last night to book a room.
B:OK. Can I have your name?

★ 【住宿登記(沒有訂房)】
A:Excuse me. Do you have any double rooms available for tonight?
B:Yes. We have a vacancy./ I'm afraid we're all booked at the moment.

★ 【住宿相關問題】
A:Do you have any other facilities in the hotel?
B:We have a sauna, an indoor swimming pool, and several conference rooms.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「辦理住宿登記」

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs 碳水化合物的好壞之爭

When talking about health and diet, one topic that is certain to arise is carbohydrates (carbs). Along with proteins and fats, carbohydrates are an essential nutrient contained in the foods we consume and are responsible for providing our bodies with energy. There are basically two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Unlike complex carbs, which have longer chains of sugar molecules and thus take longer to break down, simple carbs can cause glucose to rush into the bloodstream because of their shortchain sugar molecule structure. As a result, diets that restrict them have become mainstream, and foods containing them are seen as enemies to good health. But are carbohydrate-rich foods really the enemy, or are they a misunderstood nutrient with a bad rap?

Carbohydrate-rich foods can be generally categorized as either "good" (whole, unprocessed) or "bad" (refined, processed). The difference between the two is in how they are processed by the body and how nutritious they are. Refined sources of carbohydrates are often stripped of parts that contain fiber and nutrients, so they are digested quickly and are more likely to spike blood sugar levels. Diets that are high in these refined foods are associated with serious medical issues such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. ealthier carbohydrate sources such as oats and brown rice have longer chains of sugar molecules and are rich in fiber and other nutrients, therefore taking more time to break down and providing our bodies with longer-lasting energy.

Good carbohydrate sources such as vegetables usually contain important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential to good health. For the most part, choosing "whole" over "refined" carbohydrate-rich foods is the best way to ensure your nutritional needs are being met. Steering clear of processed foods such as white bread/pasta/rice, candies, and desserts can help you keep your simple carbs to a minimum. Consuming whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains is key to weeding the "bad" foods out of your nutritional garden.



蔬菜等好的碳水化合物來源通常含有重要的維生素、礦物質等對健康至關重要的營養素。大體而言,選擇「原型」、避開「精緻」的碳水化合物食物,是滿足人體營養需求的不二法門。避免 如白麵包/義大利麵條/米飯、糖果、糕點等加工食物,有助我們將簡單碳水化合物的攝取量降到最低。將「壞的」食物從我們的營養園地中拔除殆盡的關鍵,就是食用蔬菜、水果、堅果、種 子及全穀類等原型食物。

──選自《打造英文閱讀核心素養力 3:108課綱大考混合題型攻略(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》




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